Thursday, December 17, 2009

So, I have finally finished my project and completed my script to the background story... Huzzah!
Now onto bigger and greater things. I am now working on a new project that takes place in fallout zone. The scenes to this project will be similar to the design of the Fallout series, but the story will be from my own mind. I have done a few sketches, but not enough to upload them. I will hopefully have a few images up by January. Until then...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is the final scene of my project. It is an interior of a Russian home from the village I designed. I used an analogous color scheme of oranges, reds, and yellows, which created a rich atmosphere for the scene.

For the second part of this project, I decided to create a scene of a Russian village. This process was step-by-step, and my images show how i went about creating the village.

Here are the images of my step-by-step process for my Baba Yaga background designs

The First image is a gray scale value study of Baba's hut.

Notice the animal leg, which is a key part of the folktale. The story goes that Baba Yaga flies in a mortar and pestle and lives in a hut with chicken legs.

The darker image is my final study for the hut. I used to blue hue to convey the mood of the scene.