Thursday, December 16, 2010

Here are some robots i designed in maya. I used mental ray for these renders as well as the titan.

A model I did in maya a while back. Its based on a Titan from Warhammer 40k

Monday, December 13, 2010

Motion graphics project with sound! Finally! Unfortunately the quality is not as good as the non-sound version. Enjoy.

Here is the final version of my motion graphic project. I did all the work in aftereffects and then rendered out a photoshop sequence, which I opened in photoshop and added extra effects. I was going for an old movie feel, so that is why there is a lot of grain in the video. Please view in 1080 for best quality.

Art work for my next piece, which is for astronomy class.

I took some images from my motion graphics project and applied some effects to them. They turned out to be pretty neat.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Testing a piece from my motion graphics project. I decided to upload progress before sharing my final piece.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I've had this recurring dream where I am in the woods and suddenly a hooded figure in red appears before me. Its rather creepy. Every time this mysterious figure, I am suddenly transported to my grandparent's home in Norway. Once I arrive there, the front yard is suddenly flooded by the sea, and my grandfather appears out of the mist in a white rowboat that my family named the "swan". To make things even more odd, my grandfather is wracked with guilt for being six feet under for the past 11 years.

Strange that I should have this dream now. In fact, that's all I can think about. This dream. I have to say, I find it a bit unsettling that everyone in the dream doesn't realize that my grandfather is actually deceased. They just assume he has been missing for 11 years. I must discover the answer to this crazy mind game..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

So, last night I was sitting around and decided to create a few tree sketches. My new found friend and I (fluffy-brush in photoshop), went a little crazy with some of the ideas. Its nothing too elaborate per-say, but I did enjoy myself...As much as one can while creating PS trees. I hope every enjoys the musings of goulash eating man.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mountain concept art. I used several brushes to work quickly to create my design. I also have shown my creation process.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

More concept stuff for my project. This one is just some cliffs with a small village built into it. I'll put up another concept sketch of the village later on.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So it is late, but I'm not tired enough to get to bed. So instead of sleeping I messed around in photoshop and created some tree designs. Just some ideas I thought I'd get out of my head before finally heading off to dreamland.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Second version of mountain background.

Hill background from my project. This is not complete yet. I will most likely add some detail to the entire scene.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Keep in mind that the backgrounds are jpegs and not tiffs. I'll try to get at least one tiff up to show the detail. Also, i drew inspiration from Samurai Jack for the backgrounds in case anyone is curious.

Here are some images for my Norse project. These are just a couple of backgrounds. I will have to upload my other images and characters later, once I find them all. So many!
So it has been a very long time since a last posted. The reason for this; very busy.
But, I have found time this weekend to upload a few images and update some stuff.

I am currently working on a few personal projects and a number of school oriented works as well. I cannot go into detail on my school projects at this moment, but I can reveal my personal projects.
A few weeks ago I attended AX in LA. I purchased the Ramayana by Pixar artist Sanjay Patel. The book confirmed an idea I've had for a while, "someone needs to create a book of Norse mythology."

Seeing how Norse mythology is part of my heritage, I decided to embark on an epic journey with of stories, knowledge, research, and work. This has not been an easy task, and there are so many characters that I have yet to complete in flash.

My other project is also flash based, but it revolves around the Red Army Choir's extensive library. This project is set to the lyrics of each song. The story has yet to be determined. Seeing how I speak Russian, and mother Russia is also part of my heritage, I figured why not create a Russian animation? It has been a difficult process translating the songs and creating a story idea, but I cannot wait until this project comes together.